Monday, November 23, 2009


Somewhere in an unimaginable place, far a way from human life and human existence is the Planet of Faeries. A place is full of color; it’s shadowed in pink and blue fogs, the sky has a different shade everyday day, and the source of light is like a rainbow. There are many different types of fairies, and every one of them has an assigned job to keep the P.O.F. a luxurious place. Everything is quiet, quiet to the point that the silence is LOUD. The sounds of unknown insects and other animals hang in the air. Even the wind has a whisper of its own. In this place, no words are spoken, nothing is said. It’s not needed. The eyes are the communicating basis in this planet. You read eyes.

The faeries have an indescribable beauty; their eyes are like pools of watercolors. They are captivating, and seducing, yet they could kill with a stare. The powers the faeries hold within themselves are not known to each other. Each faerie develops different powers through their eyes. They can create or destroy. They can revive or kill. Their eye color matches their lips. Their hair is long and luscious, it looks like ocean waves. They are trained to seduce, and to understand. Humans fall for them. The human mind is amazed easily; they come to this planet showered in gunpowder and in funny looking clothes. Believing they can capture us. They say they come to explore, but what they want is to take most of us and strap us to a white resting mattress, and open us in half.

That’s why faeries are trained to seduce and understand. We can’t let humans into our world. That would be the end of all of us. Our mind power is greater than any other. Faeries have to be prepared when the TIME comes. The TIME when one of us will betray the rest. Then, we will need all we have. Then, the human mind will be a threat. Then, they will proceed to extinguish us out of this place. This place we’ve created for peace. For happiness.

There are many myths and stories and legends about us. Humans, who dared trespass our borders never go back to their earth. We make sure they forget everything and start all over again. Meanwhile, the earth people worry why they never came back. They wonder what is it that, us, simple faeries, have that they don’t.



  1. Ouchhhh, these fairies sound awesome :) I like the story, it really pulls me in. Good job, I can't wait to see your creature! I just noticed the last line, "we have superior minds". That's perfect :)
