Thursday, January 14, 2010

Flash Backs CS3

1.What type of file can be modified in Flash CS3? (just list the file ending)
You can modify .fla files in flash cs3.

2. What is the national standard for American television video broadcast?
It is the National Television System Comitee.

3. What part of the Flash interface displays the movie you are working on?
The stage displays what you are working on.

4. You need to turn these on BEFORE you can use guides.
CLick on the Add motion guide.

5. What is the gray area surrounding the Stage in Flash CS3?
The workspace.

6.What is the magnetic pull of objects to a grid?
They snap to the grid

7.What is the default frame rate for Web playback in Flash CS3?
12 fps

8.What is exporting your final Flash CS3 file called?
It is called. swf

9.Designing for the Web is normally measured in what unit of measure?
In pixels

10.What are palettes in Flash CS3 called?
The are called panels.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


1. Hat is backwards

2.Plant is missing

3. Not carrying anything in hand

4. Light is missing outside

5.The woman's sleeves are different at the bottom

6. Woman's collar is bigger

I'm not exactly sure how this activity can help me in HTML programming, but I guess it could be because you have to be aware of EVERY single detail. In HTML you cant make a mistake because then everything is messed up.

I discovered six differences in total.

I had all te differences, except for one, that had to be pointed put to me. It was the collar size, obviously, once pointed out, I saw it.

To be a better writer you have to make sure of details, everythign has to be in the correct place.

1. Hat pointy thing is facing a different direction

2. Dog is further away from person

3. The fire hydrant thing is a different color

4. Tree has a poster

5. Shirt is patterned differently

6. Car has an antenna

This activity helps you be careful, and it helps you to be aware of little details. An HTML programmer has to be aware of these little details, because on error can cause the web page to not work.

I discovered six differences. Since I discovered them by myself, they didn;t need to be pointed out to me.:)

DreamWeaver Notes